Planning on selling your home? Sheltering in place presents the perfect opportunity to start decluttering your stuff to prepare for that move. Decluttering will make the move easier and the set up simpler in your new home.

⠀ Here are some tips to get you started.
✅ Gather supplies
Trash bags, painter’s tape or masking tape, shredder or scissors for old papers, permanent maker for labeling, cell phone to take pictures and cardboard boxes. ⠀ ✅ Declutter one room at a time
Get rid of excess stuff. You certainly don’t want to pay to move stuff you no longer want, need or use. Start with the bathroom. Why? It is not likely to contain sentimental items. More likely expired meds and almost empty bottles of shampoo and body wash. Next, block out short periods of time to tackle a closet or a drawer. This isn’t a sprint so take your time.
✅ Get rid of trash as you go
Every bag you take out of your house brings you one step closer to emptying the whole house. Gather donations in bags or boxes as you go as well. Clearly label the bags “Donation” so they aren’t mistaken for trash. I label them with painters or masking tape. ⠀ ✅ Take pictures
Old family photos, your children’s art work, items you want to remember but will never use. Having the pictures will help you let them go while still retaining the memories. ⠀
✅ Start asking your kids what they may want.
Chances are, your kids will not want the family heirlooms you are looking to pass down to them. If that is the case, this gives you time to either sell, gift, consign or donate them. If you still have your kid’s stuff and they don’t want it, time to let it go. ⠀ ⠀ ✅ Allow for indecision.
You will definitely anguish over items with sentimental value. Put them aside for the time being.For items that aren’t sentimental, if you haven’t used it in your old home, chances are you won’t in your new home. ⠀
Moving isn’t easy. Starting the decluttering process as early as possible will be a huge time saver and huge stress reliever. ⠀